KNET Human Resources operates in the search and selection of staff with a unique and essential goal: to identify talents that can give the company a real added value in terms of return on investment and business growth.
Knet Human Resources was authorized to operate in the search and selection of personnel from the Ministry of Labour with permanent authorization Prot. 39/0003074 / MA004.A003
The choice of collaborators is a complex and delicate and must be handled analytically considering seniority and professional, to this end, we have established five special Divisions:
Division Head Hunting OBJECTIVE: Identify talents of excellence for the development of the business of our customer through a specific scouting activities carried on strategic profiles operating in target companies competing.
International Search Division OBJECTIVE: Support our customer in the search for Managers, Technicians and Professionalis interested in working internationally with frequent transfers or permanent transfer.
Top division & Temporary Management OBJECTIVE: Identify and evaluate strategic business figures operating in area Excecutive, or used for the resolution of temporary needs, can provide added value to the company our customer in terms of organization, growth and competitiveness.
Middle Management Division OBJECTIVE: Search for and select the best employees working in area Midlle Management can maximize value for the customer in terms of speed and return on investment constitutes a key element in the Management Succession Plan higher end.
Division Professional Studies OBJECTIVE: Support the professional identification of professionals with proven experience c / o other studies, aware of the differences between the operation of the latter than the corporate structures.
KNET Human Resources considers the search and selection of qualified staff, a powerful tool that can make a tangible contribution to organizational development, intended as a guarantee of the consolidation company in the competitive environment.
For the identification of the professional best suited to play a certain role in the company, Consultants, HR Manager of KNET, establish a partnership relationship with the customer based on:
- Sharing by consultants specialized in the field of human resources to the real requirements of human capital and related job profiles, as well as the policies and values.
- Constant updating and alignment during the selection activities.
- Presentation of the shortlist of candidates accompanied by specific form which explains for a correct evaluation: technical, motivational, and contractual character.
- Support in the regulatory contract for which, Consultants KNET, will provide updated information about the existing tax breaks.
- Accountancy & Finance
- Banking & Insurance
- Digital & New Media
- Executive
- Export & Sales Manager
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Operations & Supply Chain
- Marketing & Communication
- Pharma &Medical
- Production
- Quality & Safety
- R&D
- Tax & Legal
- Technical &Engineering
Analysis of labor demand Through a thorough interview with the client company, we will together define the characteristics of the vacant position and the candidate profile: basic requirements, the specific qualities of the person, skills ( professional knowledge and skills required by the business ) needed to successfully fill the role professional. Recruitment They are activated direct and indirect channels, thanks to our national and international network, according to the professional to search. The recruitment is done through screening and analysis of the job offers already available in our constantly updated database, as well as through ads on the major media ( specialized sites, newspapers). Selection Provides for the examination and evaluation of curricula, administration of specific tests to area of expertise, one or more in-depth interviews with each candidate aimed at the analysis of skills and competences, any group interview for further evaluation capabilities relational and, finally, the choice of candidates that are potentially more adequate to meet the customer’s expectations. Presentation profiles In this phase they are transmitted to the customer profiles of candidates considered in line with the skills and shared their ” presentation cards candidate ” containing all the information that it can be inferred from the mere hp ( contractual status, remuneration, motivation to change etc.. ). For profiles area top Management and International Search come transmitted to the customer even videos cv candidates. Compare post-employment After 2-3 months we carry out our service through customer satisfaction, a check on the progress of insertion.
Generally we close the search within 15 working days, providing a first significant success within 7 days of signing the by assignment.
Of course, this timing will go on for the research of professionals with a high level difficult to find on the labor market.
Guarantees for the customer: The process of search and selection ends only when the customer believes the candidate identified fully meets their expectations.
We guarantee inclusion for the entire trial period.
It provides for the replacement of the resource included at no extra charge if not exceeding the trial period.